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Romance can survive for a lifetime if the lovers are both good, emotional personalities who continue to grow in their emotional sensibilities after marriage .

— Karmayogi

Movie Forum

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The Mirror has Two Faces

This 1996 romance, starring Barbra Streisand, Jeff Bridges, Pierce Brosnan, Lauren Bacall and Mimi Rogers, explores the complex relationship between romantic love and sexuality in the lives of two couples. Refusing to offer facile answers, it suggests that relationships based primarily on physical attraction are prone to eventual failure, whereas those based on true respect and deep affection find greater fulfillment through the physical expression of higher emotions.


Articles on The Mirror has Two Faces


Plot Summary

The Mirror Has Two Faces is a 1996 American romantic drama produced and directed by Barbra Streisand, who also stars as Rose Morgan (Streisand). Rose is a shy, plain, middle-aged English literature professor at Columbia University, who shares a home with her vain, overbearing, widowed mother. When her attractive sister Claire marries Alex (Pierce Bronson), a man Rose has secretly been in love with for years, the emptiness in Rose’s life becomes difficult to bear. Soon afterwards, Rose becomes friends with Gregory Larkin (Jeff Bridges), a mathematics professor who is trying to break free from a long chain of sexual relationships which never lead to meaningful human intimacy.

Gregory is seeking a platonic relationship with a physically unattractive woman to eliminate the complications that sex raises. He is attracted by Rose’s wit, intelligence, natural humor and good values. Rose finds him pleasant company and a good companion. Eventually they marry on the understanding that sex will have little or no place in their relationship. Although Rose secretly longs for a total relationship, she decides to play by his rules. Over time they develop deep respect, appreciation and affection for one another. Gregory is delighted but Rose is increasingly frustrated. When Greg refuses to sleep with her for fear of spoiling their relationship, she feels rejected, leaves him and embarks on a crash course in beautification, fashion and fitness. Greg returns from a tour to find a sexually alluring woman waiting for him. He feels betrayed and wants the old homely Rose back, whom he can love for her mind and heart, rather than lust after for her body. Finally he confesses to Rose that he cannot live without her and agrees to accept sex as a natural part of their truly romantic relationship.

The relationship between Rose and Greg is in sharp contrast to that between Claire and Alex. Like her mother, Claire considers physical beauty was her greatest asset and uses it to snare handsome, gallant Alex into a marriage. Once having caught him, she starts pursuing younger men to reinforce her sense of being attractive. The more affection Alex expresses, the less satisfied Claire becomes. Finally she leaves Alex for someone else, who surely will not be the last in a series of failed relationships based on physical attraction. When Claire rejects him, Alex seeks out Rose and wants to make love with her. Only then does Rose realize that her physical attraction for Alex was not real love. The story is fanciful, but the issues it raises are real enough and the truth it expresses carries a message for all those who long for true and lasting romance .

If you would like to raise general questions on romance, love, marriage and relationship or about any of the content in this article, please post your entry in the appropriate forums


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Directed by Barbra Streisand
Written by André Cayatte
Starring Barbra Streisand and Jeff Bridges                                                                                       
Copyright belongs to TriStar Pictures


External Links

  • Visit Life in Movies for original analysis of human nature and the character of life in other movies.
  • Wikipedia provides the plot summary, background, publication history and extensive links to sites on the movie, the cast and producers.
  • The Internet Movie Database, IMDB has information related to the movie and its actors.
  • Watch Trailer from YouTube.
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This 2007 movie starring Keri Russell as Jenna, a young woman married to a dominant, abusive husband, played by Nathan Fillion, is a charming story that brings out many real life issues of freedom, equality, self-respect and love in marriage. A brief love affair with her physician awakens Jenna to the real meaning of intimacy and helps her make the personal growth needed to assert her rights and discover her own individuality.


Articles on Waitress
Jenna and Earl are an example of a relationship based on domination, which is Level 3 on the Scale of Harmony. Read more and watch video.
Find out how Jim wins Jenna’s friendship and affection by applying Unfailing Strategies for Love and Romance (with video)
To ask questions or read more discussion of the issues related to this movie, see the Waitress forum.


Plot Summary
Waitress is a 2007 film, an American comedy drama about a lovely, affectionate, good-hearted young woman named Jenna (Keri Russell) who is trapped in an unhappy marriage with her overbearing husband Earl (Jeremy Sisto). Jenna, who works as a waitress, has an extraordinary talent for making tasty pies. Her only friends are her fellow waitresses and the bad-tempered, difficult diner owner Joe. She longs to leave Earl but fears his mean temper. He is jealous, controlling, dominating, possessive, suspicious, abusive and capable of violence. He takes all the money she earns, demands that she agree with his every thought and sentiment, and forces her into a self-defensive shell of passive conciliation and submission. When Jenna accidentally becomes pregnant, she meets and is attracted a young married physician Jim (Nathan Fillion) who is gentle, kind, respectful and accepting. They embark on a passionate affair and close friendship which gives her the confidence and strength to finally break out of Earl’s tyranny and stand on her own. After giving birth to a baby, she finally decides to assert herself. With strength Earl never imagined she possesses, Jenna finally banishes him from her life with a power and decisiveness he is unable to oppose. When her externally rough and ornery former employer Joe passed away, he leaves her a large inheritance and ownership of the restaurant where she worked.


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Directed by Adrienne Shelly
Written by Adrienne Shelly
Starring Keri Russell, Nathan Fillion & Jeremy Sisto                                      
Copyright belongs to Fox Searchlight Pictures



External Links

  • Visit Life in Movies for original analysis of human nature and the character of life in other movies.
  • Wikipedia provides the plot summary, background, publication history and extensive links to sites on Waitress, the cast and producers.
  • The Internet Movie Database, IMDB has information related to the movie and its actors.
  • Fox SearchLight Pictures contributes to the official movie site of Waitress.
  • Watch Waitress Trailer from Apple.com
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Cold Mountain

Cold Mountain is a 2003 film written and directed by Anthony Minghella and based on the novel by Charles Frazier. It stars Nicole Kidman and Jude Law as strangers that fall in love and are separated by the Civil War after exchanging a single kiss and promised of fidelity. The story depicts the power of their incipient love to bind them together over time and distance, keep them physically and psychologically alive in the face of horrendous conditions, and eventually to reunite them. Not merely a romantic fantasy, this movie depicts the true character and life-giving power of love.


Articles on Cold Mountain
Ada and Inman are an inspiring example of Affection, Level 5 on the Scale of Romance. See the article and videos.
Read more and ask questions about this movie in the Movie Forums.


Plot Summary

It is the story of a beautiful city-bred preacher’s daughter named Ada Monroe (Nicole Kidman) who meets a shy, handsome woodworker named Inman (Jude Law) in a secluded rural part of North Carolina at the outbreak of the Civil War. Though they exchange only a few formal words, their hearts respond to one another. When Inman enlists to fight for the South, they exchange photographs and a single parting kiss before he marches off to war. After the death of her father, Ada finds herself helpless, defenseless and pursued by a local bully named Teague. She manages to survive starvation with the aid of Ruby Thewes (Renee Zellweger), a brave, resourceful, illiterate farm girl. Daily Ada voices a heart-felt prayer for Inman to return. He risks death for desertion and travels the long dangerous road back to Cold Mountain. At one point he is given shelter by Sara (Natalie Portman), beautiful young woman with child, who offers herself to him. In spite of feeling a strong physical attraction for her, his longing for Ada prevents him from responding to her invitation. Inman eventually reaches Ada, conceives a child with her and then kills Teague before being mortally wounded himself. His love was powerful enough to find her and protect her and leave her with a son to raise. The strength of their affection could achieve this much despite the extreme social turmoil and destruction of war.


Order the Movie or the Book

Click on the images to order the movie or book from Amazon
Directed by Anthony Minghella
Written by Charles Frazier (book); Anthony Minghella
Starring Jude Law and Nicole Kidman
Copyright belongs to MiraMAx Films



External Links

  • Visit Life in Movies for original analysis of human nature and the character of life in other movies.
  • Wikipedia provides the plot summary, background, publication history and extensive links to sites on Cold Mountain, the cast and producers.
  • The Internet Movie Database, IMDB has information related to the movie and its actors.
  • MiraMax Films contributes to the official movie site of Cold Mountain.
  • Watch Cold Mountain Trailer from YouTube.

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The Bridges of Madison County

This romantic drama starring Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood depicts four days in the lives of a middle aged farmer’s wife and a photo journalist, discovering themselves, one another and a love which will last and sustain them for a lifetime. The intensity of their brief affair and the urge they feel to spend the rest of their lives together offer rich insights into the nature of romance and marriage.


Plot Summary
Francesca and Richard were married and settled down on the Johnson family farm in Madison County. She thought Richard was everything a partner should be -- a loyal, gentle, caring husband, a good father, an honest, responsible, hardworking provider for the family. Together they raised a son and a daughter to adulthood, saw them marry and move on. That was all her family knew or thought about Francesca for all those decades she lived as a caring housewife and mother, but that was not all there was to her or all there was to tell. Upon her death, she bequeathed to her children a diary that told the tale of another Francesca and another life. It was a tale about four days that told a story that lasted a lifetime. It was the story of a young Italian woman with dreams that soared sky high -- dreams of passionate love and romance. Read a detailed plot summary.

If you would like to raise general questions on romance, love, marriage and relationship or about any of the content in this article, please post your entry in the appropriate forums

Order the Movie or the Book

Click on the images to order the movie or book from Amazon
Directed by Clint Eastwood
Written by Robert James Waller (novel); Richard LaGravenese (Screenplay)    
Starring Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood
Copyright belongs to Warner Brothers



External Links

  • Visit Life in Movies for original analysis of human nature and the character of life in other movies.
  • Wikipedia provides the plot summary, background, publication history and extensive links to sites on the movie, the cast and producers.
  • The Internet Movie Database, IMDB has information related to the movie and its actors.
  • Watch the movie trailer from Youtube.
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