Random Quote

The intensity of romance pursuit felt in seeking one's love usually turns into the intensity of possessing the other person after marriage. 

— Karmayogi

Bridges of Madison County

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Romance is found within ourselves

"Had Robert lived nearby she may never have responded to him or her response may have quickly dissipated by fear of social condemnation. The fact that he came and then left helped her keep alive the dream. There are many possibilities, but the essential truth is that we discover romance in ourselves. The other person only facilitates that discovery. We all may long to experience it and dream of living it, but how many of us have the strength and courage to live always unprotected, exposed and vulnerable, to give all we are to another with no assured returns of any kind? Those who are capable of that attitude can discover romance in any relationship, because the romance lies within themselves."

- excerpt from http://www.romanceeternal.org/article/choosing-between-marriage-and-romance

Great Article. The article contains many eye openers - or heart openers.

'..the essential truth is that we discover romance in ourselves. The other person only facilitates that discovery.' - I beleive this statement applies to events and inanimate objects too for they too facilitate the discovery of joy - if we cannot use the term Romance there.



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